Introduction to HTML.

Brief History of HTML.


The purpose of browsers are simply to interpret and render files such as HTML, CSS and Javascript into a website displaying data and required information.

In the last post, I analogised building a website to building a house, where HTML as the builder/carpenter creates and designs the overall structure of this fictional house, which in turn allows the other elements a standing structure to work with.

These other elements or (Craftsmen), being CSS: the (painter) who decorates the house while, JS: the (electrician) who further goes on to implement behavior by adding switches to the house for increased functionality.

Now, What exactly is HTML?

HTML is the foundation block and standard Markup language for all websites and web apps and together with CSS and Javascript, make up the fundamental technologies of the web as we know it.
HTML allows your browser display elements such as texts, images, forms and tables depending on how you structure the site and how the HTML code is written.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language which is under the family of Markup languages that include Markup languages such as XML Extensible Markup Language and GML Generalised Markup Language, they all share the same common history, based on the markup put into manuscripts in the past, where editors would mark up manuscripts specifying changes made for the author or specifying Layout and structuring for the publishers.

Up Next: HTML Architecture.